count($langgroup); } echo "

Arquivo de idioma correto! (01.12.2006)

"; echo "Esse arquivo contém $groups grupos e um total de $total marcações."; } ?> A Critic's Eye: Book & Product Reviews » Gmail for your MDA or Windows 5.0 PDA
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Gmail for your MDA or Windows 5.0 PDA

If you have an MDA (like I do) or another internet-enabled PDA running Windows Mobile 5.0, Stuff To Think About figured out how run the gmail application on your phone. This application is quicker and more robust than the web-based version for the pda. Now you can download attachments and perform email functions using the menus on screen. Very helpful. Thanks.

Glad to be of help to you man. AWESOME site, by the way! Philippians 4:8 FTW!!
CJ Millisock (URL) - 25 05 07 - 12:08

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