Free Logos / Libronix Books to Download
TCBlack has graciously hosted many of the best personal book builder (PBB) books that have been made for free download and free integration into your
Libronix Digital Library System (the best Bible software IMO out there). If you have Libronix,
go take a look. It's worth the trip just for Spurgeon's
Treasury of David.
I am posting The Complete Works of Jonthan Edwards PBB (
Volume 1 &
Volume 2) compiled by Karl Jones since I can't find them elsewhere on the web. This one only works in version 3 of Libronix, currently in
beta. Enjoy.
Prizing Stagnant Water; Folly of Preferring Creatures to God
"Would you not consider a person foolish and absurd, who should extravagantly love and prize a drop of stagnant water, and yet view the ocean with indifference or disgust? or who should constantly grovel in the dust to admire a shining grain of sand, yet neglect to admire the sun which caused it to shine? Of what folly and absurdity, then, are we guilty, when we love the imperfectly amiable qualities of our fellow worms, or admire the sublimity and beauty of the works of nature, and yet exercise no love to him to whom they are indebted for all; him whose glory gilds the heavens, and from whom angels derive everything that can excite admiration or love."
Enjoy Life with the Wife Whom You Love
(read more...)
Bush Approval & Gas Prices
This graph showing Bush approval ratings and the inverse of gas prices (lower price means higher on the graph) from
Heavy Lifting blog is revealing of America's true priorities and what is really at the heart of his recent political woes.
Free Logos Gift Certificate Offer Extended to 4/23
The Logos gift certificate giveaway that generated such a buzz last week has been extended until 4/23. This truly is something that all Logos users should take advantage of. I bought 50 books and got $1000 in coupons. I know of many others who've done the same.
Click here to learn about the deal.
Basically the deal is that you
buy Bob Pritchett's new book for $9.74 and then forward your order confirmation and they will email you a $20 coupon to use at So even if you don't care about the book, you can get $20 in Logos stuff for $9.74. Make sure you order at least 3 so that you get free shipping. You can order a maximum of 50 books.
He Is Risen!
Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, "Take, eat; this is my body." And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, "Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you I will not drink of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom Mathew 26-26-29
And [the angel] said to them, "...He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him." Mark 16:6
Then he said to them, "Thesea re my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled." Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things." Luke 24:44-48
Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out,
For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns.
Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory,
for the marriage of the Lamb has come,
and his Bride has made herself ready;
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure" -
...Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Revelation 19:6-9
Happy Easter! May all of our celebrations of our risen king look back to the cross and forward to eternity with Him.
The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer
I think that it would be foolish and way beyond the scope of any review to attempt to critique the entire thinking of a great writer and thinker like Francis Schaeffer in this review so I won't. What makes his legacy so great, in my mind at least, is that he lived what he taught; his philosophy was not an end in itself but was a guide for him to live by, for him to find God by. You probably are not contemplating buying
The Complete Works being unfamiliar with his thinking whose affect is still felt in Christendom and beyond, so I will comment from here on out on the actual set itself. This set contains all 22 of his major books. In 5 volumes, the books are not overly large so as to be unwieldy to attempt to read. Nevertheless, to put 22 full-length books into 5, you can imagine that the typeface is smaller than I normally like and the books are larger than I normally like. But for the price of this set, if you are going to read any of Schaeffer's work, this is definitely a very good value.
That said, if you are able to read effectively on a computer screen, I would highly recommend you purchase the digital publication of this same work in Libronix (Logos) format (
amazon |
logos). The set is that much more valuable, to me at least, in digital form. It is the same cost, searchable, and makes clickable cross-references to itself and other resources you have in your library. Nevertheless, the paper-and-ink version of the complete set is still invaluable for any
Finally, because I don’t see it anywhere within the
Amazon reviews I will list off all of the books included in the order in which they are found:
Volume 1
*The God Who Is There
*Escape From Reason
*He Is There and He Is Not Silent
*Back to Freedom and Dignity
Volume 2
*Genesis in Space and Time
*No Final Conflict
*Joshua and the Flow of Biblical History
*Basic Bible Studies
*Art and the Bible
Volume 3
*No Little People
*True Spirituality
*The New Super Spirituality
*Two Contents, Two Realities
Volume 4
*The Church at the End of the Twentieth Century
*The Church Before the Watching World
*The Mark of the Christian
*Death in the City
*The Great Evangelical Disaster
Volume 5
*Pollution and the Death of Man
*How Should We Then Live?
*Whatever Happened to the Human Race?
*A Christian Manifesto
$20 Free @! (Update: up to $1000 free)
I just found out from the Logos newgroups that
Bob Pritchett, the founder of Libronix (, has a great freebie to boost initial sales of his just-released book,
Fire Someone Today. If you
buy his book from and then email your receipt to, they'll email you a $20 gift certificate for use at The sweet thing is that
the book is only $9.74. It looks like a beneficial book to read, but how sweet is it to get free money to spend on resources for what is IMHO the best Bible software out there. If you use Libronix this is a no-brainer, and if you don't use Libronix, you should take advantage of this deal and start.
Here is a link to all of the downloadable resources you can buy for under $20, but there are a ton of other books for just over $20 that you should look into as well.
Update: Bob just posted on the newsgroup that you can do this for up to five copies. Which means that you will get $100 for $48.70. I checked it by ordering multiple books in a single order and they will indeed send you multiple gift certificates when you forward them the order confirmation.
Update 2: I just found out these coupons are single use only. But items like commentaries and many types of books run at about $20 apiece for many of them. Also, $20 off more expensive items that you would have bought anyway is still pretty good.
Update 3: Apparently the limit of 5 is that you can only have 5 books per order on Amazon that you submit. At this time it's not 5 per address. (sorry for these multiple updates; they are coming from testing the promotion).
Update 4:
The deal ends on Sunday, April 16th at midnight.Update 5: I just got an email from Bob Pritchett. They have changed the promotion.
Now it is only 5 total coupons per person. So just order 5 books in a single transaction and forward that to the system. But no more after that. You will only be able to have 5 coupons (worth $100 total) allowed. I learned this by being a little overzealous perhaps ordering almost 35 copies of the book. In the meantime though I've managed to complete my collection of
MacArthur commentaries and get
a bunch of other very useful resources that I've been wanting to buy. Thanks, Bob.
Update 6: Bob, just emailed me again.
He has increased the limit to 50 books! That means you can get up to $1000 in Logos coupons!
Update 7:
The promotion has just been extended through 4/23
Joy in Cancer: Cancer, Go To That Child
A very good friend of mine and my elder, Tom Angstead, sent me this quote from
the letters of Ruth Bryan. She wrote it as she was dying of cancer:
"I have much inward fever, making me restless and uneasy at night, but I
have been led to see this fever as my Father's servant, obeying His
will. God says, 'Fever, go to that child, and work in her frame, and
disturb her rest;' and it comes, but all is in covenant love. He has said
also, 'Cancer, go to that child, and wound
her flesh, and sap her strength;' and it has come, and is doing His work
and His will--but all is love."
"The waters of affliction have risen
higher this month, but, safe in my living Ark, I am unhurt. It is sharp to
flesh and blood, but right to faith. I am not always light and bright in
my feelings; but oh! what blessed security and solidity do I find in my
precious Rock! There I am, come what may! Angels might envy myjoy--joy
in the flood and in the flame. Hallelujah!"
"The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in
whom I find protection. He is my shield, the strength of my salvation, and
my stronghold." Psalm 18:2