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Amish Forgiveness After Killings: Testimony of Faith

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Amish Forgiveness After Killings: Testimony of Faith

What a testimony the Amish are offering of radical forgiveness, radical faith, that the world just won't and can't understand. The unified message from the Amish community that suffered the brutal murder of children in a schoolhouse two days ago has been one of forgiveness and a trust that God is sovereign, even over this tragedy. This is something that it is obvious that the world does not understand and cannot understand, but it has caught their eye. This is faith. There is no question about it; those families and those children were sinned against in an unimaginable way. It would be impossible to forgive such an offense the world says. But seen through the eyes of faith, the amazing thing is not the degree of offense that any human has suffered the degree of offense that God has forgiven us for commiting against Him. He did not just look past the sin, or pardon the sin, when we sinned against Him in a worse way than we could ever be sinned against, he paid our penalty and gave us His righteousness by offering up His Son, Jesus on the cross. How could the Amish or me or any other believer do anything other than forgive from the heart the one who has sinned against him or her. What a demonstration of faith these people have offered us. I pray that God would give me the grace to respond faithfully if God sees fit to try me in such a way.

I encourage you, in light of this event, to re-read 18:21-35: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant.

Check out how this has caught the worlds' eye:

Through the faith and obedience that the Amish have exhibited in their grief, God has been glorified indeed. What a frightful thing to be put to the test in such a way, but if it ever comes, I pray that I will be found faithful too.
by: Brock - 07 9 '06 - 20:28
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Title: Amish Forgiveness After Killings: Testimony of Faith
Date posted: 04 9 '06 - 19:36
Category: Miscellanies
Wordcount: 299 words
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