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Made-For-TV Antics In Alito Hearings, According to Democrats

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Made-For-TV Antics In Alito Hearings, According to Democrats

From Senate Democrat Robert Byrd from West Virginia demonstrating how out of touch with the American people so many of the extremes of liberalism in Congress have been:
"Many people and including foremost, as I say, the people of West Virginia in most uncertain terms, were, frankly, appalled by the Alito hearings. I don't want to say it but I must. They were appalled. In the reams of correspondence that I received during the Alito hearings, West Virginians -- the people I represent -- West Virginians who wrote to criticize the way in which the hearings were conducted used the same two words. People with no connection to one another, people of different faiths, different views, different opinions, independently and respectively used the same two words to describe the hearings. They called them an "outrage" and a "disgrace."...

"It is especially telling that many who objected to the way in which the Alito hearings were conducted do not support Judge Alito. In fact, it is sorely apparent that even many who oppose Judge Alito's nomination also oppose the seemingly made-for-TV antics that accompanied the hearings...

In the end, the heavy duty bourne by members of the Senate to evaluate and reject or approve the President’s nominees for the high court should come down to each Senator’s personal judgment of the man or woman before us, augmented, of course by such judicial records and writings as may exist. I know not exactly what kind of Justice Samuel Alito may actually be - - no one does. But my considered judgment from his record, from his answers to my questions, and from his obvious intelligence and sincerity, leads me to believe him to be an honorable man, who loves his country, loves his Constitution, and will give of his best. Can we really ask for more?1"

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Title: Made-For-TV Antics In Alito Hearings, According to Democrats
Date posted: 27 January '06 - 15:29
Category: politics
Wordcount: 314 words
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