
They turned me into a crossword puzzle

In 1998, I had an article written about me in the Arizona Republic regarding my comeback to football after open-heart surgery. Twentynine Palms Junior High School turned it into a reading comp assignment for their PE class. It's crazy the things you find on the internet.

I tiptoe Gingerly into Pyro's debate

PyromaniacAfter accidentally shaking up the whole blogosphere, Pyromaniac points out that he hasn't even blogged on his stance in the cessationism v continuationism debate. His blog actually does a great deal to clear the air after many of the knee-jerk responses that have flown from both sides of the debate after he mentioned it. He points out that his comments were directed toward  the "prophetic-utterances-gone-bad" group (on this point I must link to videos that I personally find very hilarious and an illustration of what can happen when prophetic utterances go bad: Robert Tilton). He even makes the point (which I think is an understatement), "I think I have much more in common with my 'Reformed non-cessationist' brethren than I have with liberal cessationists." He summarizes what he has said into four statements:

Pat Robertson's Dover Comments

PatRobertsonPat Robertson's recent comments regarding the Dover, PA vote against Intelligent Design have created a stir in the mainstream media and the blogosphere. Two of my favorite blogs, Justin Taylor's Between Two Worlds and James White's Pro Appologian, have both weighed in on it and have come down on opposite sides.

Please keep reading to get my take on it and then leave your own thoughts in the comments.

My Name is John Daker...

JohnDakerI just had to share, I think that this is one of the randomest, funniest videos I have ever seen. According this site, John Daker's performance was first seen on public access television.

Any attempt to describe the video will not do it justice. You can download the full div-x version of the broadcast here (or get all of the individual clips at, but check out the little clip first. This goes down in my all-time favorite internet phenomena list along with Peanut Butter Jelly Time and All Your Base Are Belong to Us.

Bob Kauflin Blogging

Bob Kauflin who leads worship at the Sovereign Grace Church, Covenant Life in Gathersburg, Maryland is now blogging at WorshipMatters. No feeds coming from his site though, so I can't blogroll it. Content is great, and I'm sure it will continue to be. If adds an RSS feed and the ability to comment, it should be a very edifying blog.

Kauflin's CD, Upward: The Bob Kauflin Hymns Project, is the most listened to cd in my collection. He has truly led Sovereign Grace Ministries to crank out consistently good and God-glorifying worship songs. I'm excited about the new Worship God Live cd.

Thanks to Reformissionary for the heads-up.

Social & Economic Conservative

Probably pretty accurate:

You are a

Social Conservative
(28% permissive)

and an...

Economic Conservative
(65% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test 

"The God, Jesus Christ"

James White (read his post here), right in the middle of his very helpful historical debunking of Dan Brown and the Da Vinci Code, stumbles across a very cool story of an archaeological find of a Pre-Constantine church proclaiming the deity of God with the inscription, "of the God, Jesus Christ." So Dan Brown's claims about Constantine making up the deity of Christ are done away with. And the story mentions that some believe that no churches existed prior to the 4th century. I could never do archaeology, but I'm thankful for those who do. Accountable for Postings?

MySpaceAccording to this story out of San Antonio, some students' threatening posts on that promised "shooting and killing" at the high school caused 400 students not to show up and ended in the  arrest of the offending students, now facing felony charges. The focus of the story should be on the culpability of the students making the threats, rather the blame is placed squarely on--I find this

Blogging and Homosexuality

I have not yet completely gathered my thoughts to the point to where I am ready for a full-fledged post regarding how insincere we are when we say "love the sinner; hate the sin" especially when it comes to homosexuality. Therefore, I will keep my comments short. Check back--probably sometime during in January when I'll have more time to write--for an expanded post. Basically, this is a challenge for myself and for all Christians to see people who's sin is of a homosexual nature as possible recipients of God's saving grace. Yes, they are enemies of God, but so was I (Rom 5:10), and I am proud of I think otherwise. I challenge us not to judge homosexuals by a standard which we would not want to be judged by ourselves. They are in sin, yes! It is a horrific sin, yes. But I am a sinner who, if the truth of my inner thoughts and desires were revealed, is far more depraved than the most hedonistic homosexual I have ever met.